Row spacing has a pivotal role in enhancing sugarcane yield and improving its quality. A study was undertaken to evaluate the influence of different planting techniques on …
D Djumali, L Lestari - Indonesian Journal of Agronomy -
Program bongkar ratoon dan perluasan areal tanam memerlukan benih tebu yang banyak dan tidak mampu dipenuhi dari benih bagal. Budchip merupakan bentuk benih tebu yang …
H Bambang, H Anik, PR Dyah, Y Sri… - Russian Journal of …, 2022 -
One way to increase sugarcane productivity is by improving the genetic potential through breeding by creating superior varieties with high sucrose content and quality. Improving the …
Sugarcane growers are currently having difficulties producing and maintaining high sugarcane yields due to poor crop stand establishment in their plant cane and subsequent …
Produktivitas tanaman wijen di Indonesia terbilang sangat rendah, hanya sekitar 300-500 kg- 1, jauh dari rerata potensi tanaman sebesar 1, 4–2, 0 t ha-1. Hal ini dikarenakan proses …
RESUMO A coleta de dados sobre o rendimento da cana-de-açúcar, plantada em diferentes configurações de plantio, foi cuidadosamente avaliada pelo grupo de trabalho do CTBE …
Tanaman wijen sebagai penghasil bahan pangan dan minyak memiliki dua tipe percabangan yaitu bercabang dan tidak bercabang. Sistem tanam yang digunakan selama …
One way to increase sugarcane productivity is by improving the genetic potential through breeding by creating superior varieties with high sucrose content and quality. Improving the …