In the late 1 980s and early I 990s, the poor and working-class white boys and men whom we interviewed have narrated" personal identities" as if they were wholly independent of …
Homes are powerfully defined by smells, sounds, textures and objects, all of which reflect how people live their everyday lives. From spray-painting the toilet wall to relaxing in the …
The complex relationship between nationalism and masculinity has been explored both historically and sociologically with one consistent conclusion: male concepts of courage and …
Own or Other Culture challenges those anthropologists who suggest that fieldwork in the'West'is easy or merely a reiteration of what is already'known'to either Westerners or non …
K Davis - American Sociological Review, 1937 - JSTOR
O THE THEORETICAL even more than to the applied sociologist, prosti-tution sets a profound problem: Why is it that a practice so thor-oughly disapproved, so widely outlawed …
E Bernstein - Ethnography, 2001 -
Feminists and other scholars have debated theoretically what exactly is being purchased in the prostitution transaction and whether sex can bea service like any other', but they have …
Part I of this report sets out to review current debates and existing research on “the demand side of trafficking”. This task is complicated by two sets of problems. First, the myriad …
The multiple ways in which people relate to animals provide a revealing window through which to examine a culture. Western cultures tend to view animals either as pets or food, and …
First published in 2001. This volume is based on the author's visit to Japan in Summer 1986 on his findings about some of the questions he was asked whilst there. He was 25 and these …