Robust color histogram descriptors for video segment retrieval and identification

AM Ferman, AM Tekalp… - IEEE Transactions on …, 2002 -
Effective and efficient representation of color features of multiple video frames or pictures is
an important yet challenging task for visual information management systems. Key frame …

People re-identification by spectral classification of silhouettes

DNT Cong, L Khoudour, C Achard, C Meurie… - Signal Processing, 2010 - Elsevier
The problem described in this paper consists in re-identifying moving people in different
sites which are completely covered with non-overlapping cameras. Our proposed framework …

Two-stage hierarchical video summary extraction to match low-level user browsing preferences

AM Ferman, AM Tekalp - IEEE transactions on multimedia, 2003 -
A compact summary of video that conveys visual content at various levels of detail enhances
user interaction significantly. In this paper, we propose a two-stage framework to generate …

A new perceived motion based shot content representation

YF Ma, HJ Zhang - … Conference on Image Processing (Cat. No …, 2001 -
Motion information is an important cue for humans to perceive video content. However, it is
hard to use motion in video retrieval due to the lack of effective representation. In this paper …

Automated location matching in movies

F Schaffalitzky, A Zisserman - Computer Vision and Image Understanding, 2003 - Elsevier
We describe progress in matching shots which are images of the same 3D location in a film.
The problem is hard because the camera viewpoint may change substantially between …

[PDF][PDF] The MPEG-7 color descriptors

JR Ohm, L Cieplinski, HJ Kim… - IEEE Transactions on …, 2001 - Citeseer
Color is an important visual attribute for both human vision and computer processing. This
chapter provides an overview of MPEG-7 color descriptors. As is the case with the other …

Clip-based similarity measure for hierarchical video retrieval

Y Peng, CW Ngo - Proceedings of the 6th ACM SIGMM international …, 2004 -
This paper proposes a new approach and algorithm for the similarity measure of video clips.
The similarity is mainly based on two bipartite graph matching algorithms: maximum …

[PDF][PDF] Video Scene Extraction by Force Competition.

T Lin, HJ Zhang, QY Shi - ICME, 2001 - Citeseer
In this paper, we present a novel scheme for automatic video scene extraction. A pseudo-
object-based shot representation containing more semantics is proposed to measure shot …

Shot-based video retrieval with optical flow tensor and HMMs

X Gao, X Li, J Feng, D Tao - Pattern Recognition Letters, 2009 - Elsevier
Video retrieval and indexing research aims to efficiently and effectively manage very large
video databases, eg, CCTV records, which is a key component in video-based object and …

Integrating color and spatial features for content-based video retrieval

T Lin, CW Ngo, HJ Zhang, QY Shi - … Conference on Image …, 2001 -
We present a novel scheme for content-based video retrieval by exploring the spatio-
temporal information. A shot with significant content changes can be segmented into several …