Low density parity check decoder for regular LDPC codes

KK Gunnam - US Patent 8,359,522, 2013 - Google Patents
613371642 B1 V2002 Yaoilleta' 2003/0081693 A1 5/2003 Raghaven etal. 1 1 g.
2003/0087634 A1 5/2003 Raghaven et a1. 613511832 B1 2/2002 We ' 2003/0112896 A1 …

Low density parity check decoder for irregular LDPC codes

KK Gunnam - US Patent 8,418,023, 2013 - Google Patents
US8418023B2 - Low density parity check decoder for irregular LDPC codes - Google Patents
US8418023B2 - Low density parity check decoder for irregular LDPC codes - Google Patents …

Systems and methods for mitigating latency in a data detector feedback loop

RA Nayak - US Patent 8,018,360, 2011 - Google Patents
6,023,783 6,029.264 6,041,432 6,097,764 6,216,251 6,266,795 6,317,472 6,351,832
6,377,610 6,438,717 6,473,878 6,625,775 6,671.404 6,748,034 6,757,862 6,788,654 …

Method and apparatus for communications using improved turbo like codes

KM Chugg, PK Gray - US Patent 7,673,213, 2010 - Google Patents
Methods, apparatuses, and systems are presented for performing data encoding involving
encoding data bits according to an outer convolutional code to produce outer encoded bits …

Systems and methods for queue based data detection and decoding

S Yang, H Zhong, W Tan, R Rauschmayer… - US Patent …, 2012 - Google Patents
Various embodiments of the present invention provide systems and methods for data
processing. For example, a variable iteration data processing system is disclosed that …

Systems and methods for updating detector parameters in a data processing circuit

S Yang, J Park, C Xu, M Kalluri, YX Lee… - US Patent …, 2013 - Google Patents
Various embodiments of the present invention provide sys tems and methods for updating
detector parameters in a data processing circuit. For example, a data processing circuit is …

Systems and methods for prioritizing error correction data

N Graef, EF Haratsch - US Patent 7,971,125, 2011 - Google Patents
Various systems and methods for generating and/or ordering error indications are disclosed
herein. In some cases, the error indication is used as an erasure pointer in a memory access …

Systems and Methods for Reduced Complexity Data Processing

W Tan, H Zhong - US Patent App. 12/527,241, 2010 - Google Patents
0001. The present invention is related to systems and methods for processing information,
and more particularly to systems and methods for encoding and/or decoding data. 0002. A …

Systems and methods for reliability assisted noise predictive filtering

L Sun, H Song, JF Liu - US Patent 8,670,955, 2014 - Google Patents
Various embodiments of the present invention provide sys tems and methods for data
processing. As an example, a data processing circuit is disclosed that includes: a data …

Systems and methods for low density parity check data encoding

Z Li, K Gunnam, S Yang - US Patent 8,443,249, 2013 - Google Patents
Various embodiments of the present invention provide systems and methods for encoding
data. As an example, a data encoding circuit is disclosed that includes a first stage data …