“Civil War Is Not A Stupid Thing” is a very critical book of the simplistic conventional wisdom about violence which suggests that contemporary violent conflicts are apolitical and similar …
Como podem os Estados Unidos provocar tanto ódio, a ponto de muita gente no mundo ficar feliz com ataques suicidas de fanáticos contra eles? Como pode uma cultura …
In August 2006, along with other British social work academics, I was fortunate enough to attend the International Association of Schools of Social Work Conference in Santiago …
Four generic motives have historically led states to initiate war: fear, interest, standing, and revenge. Using an original data set, Richard Ned Lebow examines the distribution of wars …
As the chapters in this volume demonstrate, critical terrorism studies (CTS) incorporates and draws inspiration from a rich array of theoretical approaches and research traditions. We …
Neo-liberalism has been one of the most influential ideologies since the Second World War. This book provides an original account of its intellectual foundations, development and …
This book is about the role that the media and other forms of communication can play in improving the conditions of life for the world's poorest people. The scale and depth of world …
Enron, Haliburton, ExxonValdez," shock and awe"-their mere mention brings forth images of scandal, collusion, fraud, and human and environmental destruction. While great power and …
Abelson focuses on a host of high profile think tanks-including the Brookings Institution, the Heritage Foundation, and the Project for the New American Century-and on the public and …