For two decades, Rockstar Games have been making games that interrogate and represent the idea of America, past and present. Commercially successful, fan-beloved, and a frequent …
Public Relations, Branding and Authenticity: Brand Communications in the Digital Age explores the role of PR and branding in society by considering the notion of authentic …
P Rixon - Journal of Popular Television, 2017 -
The meaning and cultural standing of a television programme is not predetermined or set. Indeed, it changes over time from before the broadcast of the programme, to when it is …
N Aghoro, I Filippaki, C Kempshall… - (No Title), 2020 -
I don't recommend trying to finish a book during a global pandemic, but I am very thankful for the support of such valued colleagues and friends while doing so. Thank you to Rabea …
The sixty second commercial has held a privileged status with the British television advertising industry since 1955. Recent scholarship in the useful film paradigm offers a …
Yin-Poole, Wesley.“Brendan McNamara:'I'd rather people just ring me up and tell me to f*** off.'” Eurogamer, November 11, 2011. http://www. eurogamer. net/articles/2011-11-10 …
Com base em um estudo etnográfico da produção e recepção de campanhas de utilidade pública sobre HIV/AIDS, promovidas pela MTV e pela Viacom, este artigo analisa o …
Čedalje bolj zaostrena konkurenca na turističnem trgu in zahtevni potrošniki spodbujajo soustvarjanje na področju turizma, ki daje nove priložnosti širši turistični dejavnosti in njenim …
First, I need to thank my family. My mom who has more faith in me than I have myself, and the other members of my family, namely Aunt Jean, Uncle Bob and Uncle Rob, who helped …