Why do states transfer arms to one another, and what are the effects of these weapons transfers? Conventional weapons are the weapons most commonly used in war, and states …
Z Levey - Cold War History, 2008 - Taylor & Francis
During the 1973 war the United States flew 12,000 tons of military equipment to Israel, transferring advanced weaponry that it had hitherto withheld. In fact, Nixon and Kissinger …
Z Levey - Diplomatic History, 2015 - academic.oup.com
This work examines US-Israeli cooperation on nuclear desalination, arguing that neither technical nor financial obstacles were the main reasons for its demise. By late 1968 US …
Abstract Modern Orta Doğu politikalarını şekillendiren başlıca unsurlardan birisi silahlanma olmuştur. İkinci Dünya Savaşı'nın ardından sahip olunan güvenlik endişeleri nedeniyle …
F Pirinççi - History Studies (13094688), 2010 - historystudies.net
Özet Orta Doğu Soğuk Savaş döneminde dört büyük savaşa ve çok sayıda düşük yoğunluklu çatışmaya sahne olmuştur. Yaşanan savaşlar dikkate alındığında, bu savaşların …
Abstract President Lyndon Baines Johnson was responsible for decisively turning American policy towards the State of Israel from one of lukewarm acceptance and recognition of its …