Elementary Methods in Number Theory begins with" a first course in number theory" for students with no previous knowledge of the subject. The main topics are divisibility, prime …
Asking how one does mathematical research is like asking how a composer creates a masterpiece. No one really knows. However, it is a recognized fact that problem solving …
Since its introduction in 1988, Mathematica has become probably the most popular symbolic, graphic, and numeric software for general use in the scientific and engineering …
Linear Forms in Logarithms and Applications – Back Cover Page 1 Yann Bugeaud Linear Forms in Logarithms and Applications The aim of this book is to serve as an introductory text to …
A fascinating journey into the mind-bending world of prime numbers Cicadas of the genus Magicicada appear once every 7, 13, or 17 years. Is it just a coincidence that these are all …
An Introduction to Number Theory provides an introduction to the main streams of number theory. Starting with the unique factorization property of the integers, the theme of …
The present book is a new revised and updated version of “Number Theory I. Introduction to Number Theory” by Yu. I. Manin and AA Panchishkin, appeared in 1989 in Moscow (VINITI …
This monograph contains exciting original mathematics that will inspire new directions of research in algebraic geometry. Developed here is an arithmetic analog of the theory of …
G Gras - Canadian Journal of Mathematics, 2016 - cambridge.org
Let KQ be Galois and let η∈ K× be such that Reg∞(η)≠. We dene the local θ-regulators∆ θ p (η)∈ Fp for the Qp-irreducible characters θ of G= Gal (KQ). Let Vθ be the θ-irreducible …