The challenge of blending in large sky surveys

P Melchior, R Joseph, J Sanchez, N MacCrann… - Nature Reviews …, 2021 -
The increasing sensitivity of modern sky surveys allow ever fainter emissions of light to be
detected, but it also increases the chances of noticeable overlap between multiple sources …

KiDS-1000 catalogue: Weak gravitational lensing shear measurements

B Giblin, C Heymans, M Asgari, H Hildebrandt… - Astronomy & …, 2021 -
We present weak lensing shear catalogues from the fourth data release of the Kilo-Degree
Survey, KiDS-1000, spanning 1006 square degrees of deep and high-resolution imaging …

KiDS-1000: Cosmology with improved cosmic shear measurements

SS Li, H Hoekstra, K Kuijken, M Asgari, M Bilicki… - Astronomy & …, 2023 -
We present refined cosmological parameter constraints derived from a cosmic shear
analysis of the fourth data release of the Kilo-Degree Survey (KiDS-1000). Our main …

Dark Energy Survey Y3 results: blending shear and redshift biases in image simulations

N MacCrann, MR Becker, J McCullough… - Monthly Notices of …, 2022 -
As the statistical power of galaxy weak lensing reaches per cent level precision, large,
realistic, and robust simulations are required to calibrate observational systematics …

Euclid preparation-XXVIII. Forecasts for ten different higher-order weak lensing statistics

V Ajani, M Baldi, A Barthelemy, A Boyle… - Astronomy & …, 2023 -
Recent cosmic shear studies have shown that higher-order statistics (HOS) developed by
independent teams now outperform standard two-point estimators in terms of statistical …

KiDS-Legacy calibration: Unifying shear and redshift calibration with the SKiLLS multi-band image simulations

SS Li, K Kuijken, H Hoekstra, L Miller… - Astronomy & …, 2023 -
We present SKiLLS, a suite of multi-band image simulations for the weak lensing analysis of
the complete Kilo-Degree Survey (KiDS), dubbed KiDS-Legacy analysis. The resulting …

Euclid preparation-XLVIII. The pre-launch Science Ground Segment simulation framework

S Serrano, P Hudelot, G Seidel, JE Pollack… - Astronomy & …, 2024 -
Context. The European Space Agency's Euclid mission is one of a raft of forthcoming large-
scale cosmology surveys that will map the large-scale structure in the Universe with …

Probing dark energy with tomographic weak-lensing aperture mass statistics

N Martinet, J Harnois-Déraps, E Jullo… - Astronomy & …, 2021 -
We forecast and optimize the cosmological power of various weak-lensing aperture mass (M
ap) map statistics for future cosmic shear surveys, including peaks, voids, and the full …

Euclid preparation-XXXVI. Modelling the weak lensing angular power spectrum

AC Deshpande, T Kitching, A Hall, ML Brown… - Astronomy & …, 2024 -
This work considers which higher order modeling effects on the cosmic shear angular power
spectra must be taken into account for Euclid. We identified the relevant terms and quantified …

Mass calibration of distant SPT galaxy clusters through expanded weak-lensing follow-up observations with HST, VLT, & Gemini-South

T Schrabback, S Bocquet, M Sommer… - Monthly Notices of …, 2021 -
Expanding from previous work, we present weak-lensing (WL) measurements for a total
sample of 30 distant (z median= 0.93) massive galaxy clusters from the South Pole …