During periods of drought, the irrigation needs of current warm‐season turfgrass cultivars and frequent municipal water use restrictions present a major challenge to the turfgrass …
Winterkill is a major concern for turf‐type bermudagrasses [Cynodon dactylon (L.) Pers. and C. dactylon (L.) Pers.× C. transvaalensis Burtt‐Davy] when cultivated in the US transition …
The state of California has been deemed as being the most populous state with about one- third of the water that is allocated to the state is being utilized in urban residences and half in …
Study I: The objective of this study was to assess the sod handling quality (SHQ) and sod tensile strength (STS) of entries grown at two heights (2.5 cm and 7.6 cm) in the 2016 NTEP …