Cross-cultural organizational behavior

MJ Gelfand, M Erez, Z Aycan - Annu. Rev. Psychol., 2007 -
This article reviews research on cross-cultural organizational behavior (OB). After a brief
review of the history of cross-cultural OB, we review research on work motivation, or the …

An analysis of employment relationships in Asia using psychological contract theory: A review and research agenda

S Kutaula, A Gillani, PS Budhwar - Human Resource Management Review, 2020 - Elsevier
Psychological contract theory is increasingly gaining traction as a means of examining the
linkages (black box) between Human Resource Management (HRM) and performance. This …

Productive employment and decent work: The impact of AI adoption on psychological contracts, job engagement and employee trust

A Braganza, W Chen, A Canhoto, S Sap - Journal of business research, 2021 - Elsevier
This research examines the tension between the aims of the United Nations' Sustainable
Development Goal 8 (SDG 8), to promote productive employment and decent work, and the …

The factors influencing the success of on-going agile software development projects

C Tam, EJ da Costa Moura, T Oliveira… - International Journal of …, 2020 - Elsevier
We propose a model consisting of five people-factors that influence the success of on-going
agile software development projects, success being measured in terms of cost, time, and …

Linking justice, trust and innovative work behaviour to work engagement

U A. Agarwal - Personnel review, 2014 -
Purpose–The purpose of this paper is to examine the effects of contextual variables–
organisational justice (procedural justice, interactional justice and psychological contract) …

An introduction to human resource management

N Wilton - 2022 -
As the title suggests, this book provides an introduction to the manage-ment of people in
work organisations, or as it is now most commonly known, human resource management …

The employee–organization relationship: Where do we go from here?

JAM Coyle-Shapiro, LM Shore - Human resource management review, 2007 - Elsevier
While there is a great deal of literature on the employee–organization relationship, we argue
for a number of needed developments. The status of EOR theory is first discussed, and the …

Domain and development of cultural intelligence: The importance of mindfulness

DC Thomas - Group & Organization Management, 2006 -
The potential for defining a reliable measure of a cross-cultural facet of intelligence has
enormous implications for explaining and predicting the increasingly prevalent cross-cultural …

[图书][B] Cross-cultural management: Essential concepts

DC Thomas, MF Peterson - 2016 -
Cross-Cultural Management: Essential Concepts, Fourth Edition introduces readers to the
fundamentals of cross-cultural management by exploring the influence of culture on …

The psychology of the employment relationship: An analysis based on the psychological contract

DE Guest - Applied psychology, 2004 - Wiley Online Library
On esquisse des perspectives conduisant à des changements dans les relations de travail
et à la nécessité d'élaborer un cadre conceptuel convenant au monde actuel. La notion de …