M Savković, J Gajić - Sociologija, 2016 - doiserbia.nb.rs
Youth unemployment in Serbia is almost twice as higher than it is the average of European Union member states. Assuming how certain similarity exists between Serbia's and EU's …
In recent decades, the transformation from industrial to post-industrial societies has inevitably influenced the patterns of transition for young individuals entering the labor …
M Savković, J Gajić - Sociologija/Sociology: Journal of …, 2016 - search.ebscohost.com
Youth unemployment in Serbia is almost twice as higher than it is the average of European Union member states. Assuming how certain similarity exists between Serbia's and EU's …
Apstrakt: U ovom radu analizirane su kulturne konstrukcije individualnog društveno- ekonomskog uspeha u savremenoj Srbiji posmatrane u kontekstu postsocijalističke …
One of the main problems in rural areas in contemporary Serbian society is unemployment and underdeveloped labour market. The unemployment issue is one of the main concerns of …
This dissertation uses ethnographic discourse analysis and qualitative interviews to understand how young aspiring emigrants in contemporary Serbia think about the future …
S Komatina117 - THE EDUCATION AT THE CROSSROADS … - mnd-bitola.mk
It could be said for education system in general that it is in permanent transition, if it implies the necessary continuous changes through which the education system adapts to the …
М Петровић - Универзитет у Новом Саду, 2018 - nardus.mpn.gov.rs
Predmet istraživanja disertacije je društvena grupa mladih iz ruralnih zajednica, odnosno, analiza osobenosti života mladih u selu i problema sa kojima se susreću kao činiocima …