O Riemenschneider - Mathematische Annalen, 1974 - math.uni-hamburg.de
Diese Arbeit verdankt ihr Entstehen dem Wunsch, Beispiele zu konstruieren fiir das Zusammenblasen von Deformationen der Aufl/3sung einer rationalen Singularit~ it zu …
DA Buchsbaum, D Eisenbud - Advances in Mathematics, 1975 - eisenbud.github.io
Beginning with Hilbert's construction of what is now called the Koszul complex [18], the study of finite free resolutions of modules over commutative rings has always proceeded by a …
F. SEVERI, in his work on the classification of algebraic curves in projective 3-space [33], proposed a postulate, that every singular curve could be regarded as a limiting case of a …
D Laksov - Compositio Mathematica, 1975 - numdam.org
We shall in the following work deal with the problem of constructing (global, flat) deformations of determinantal subschemes of affine spaces. Our main contribution is the …
M Schaps - Pacific Journal of Mathematics, 1983 - msp.org
The paper investigates the deformations of a determinantal scheme arising from a deformation of the defining matrix. A sufficient condition is given for the parameter space of …
In [8, 91, Schlessinger introduced an algebraic theory of infinitesimal deformations and gave a general proof of Grauert-Kerner's characteristic zero result that the isolated singularity of …
An algebraic singularity is rigid if it has no nontrivial deformations. Rigid singularities abound in dimensions two and higher [12]. Classically, it was thought that every curve …
M Loday-Richaud - … Séminaire François Norguet Octobre 1970–Décembre …, 2006 - Springer
DEFINITION.-Un ideal I d'un anneau commutatif A est dit determinantiel s' il existe des entiers r, n et m et une matrice M de dimensions (nm) a coefficients dans A tels que l'ideal I …
SA Strømme - Mathematica Scandinavica, 1984 - JSTOR
If y is an algebraic (or analytic) family of (germs of) isolated plane curve singularities with" constant τ"(ie the dimension r (Xy) of the base of the miniversal deformation of Xy is …