[HTML][HTML] E-participation within the context of e-government initiatives: A comprehensive systematic review

M Adnan, M Ghazali, NZS Othman - Telematics and Informatics Reports, 2022 - Elsevier
Context The e-government concept has gained significant interest from academics and
practitioners. E-government projects have altered how government institutions …

Smart city as urban innovation: Focusing on management, policy, and context

T Nam, TA Pardo - Proceedings of the 5th international conference on …, 2011 - dl.acm.org
This paper sees a smart city not as a status of how smart a city is but as a city's effort to make
itself smart. The connotation of a smart city represents city innovation in management and …

Urban innovation through policy integration: Critical perspectives from 100 smart cities mission in India

S Praharaj, JH Han, S Hawken - City, culture and society, 2018 - Elsevier
Smart cities commentary often highlights the technological and entrepreneurial aspects of
the city. But, the dimensions of local policy and politics is surprisingly little debated. Mega …

Smart technologies for smart governments: A review of technological tools in smart cities

JM López-Quiles, MP Rodríguez Bolívar - Smart Technologies for Smart …, 2018 - Springer
The availability of ubiquitous ICT infrastructures in smart cities stimulates the development of
new services and applications, and creates environments more efficient in collaborative …

Introduction: Innovation in the city and innovative cities

J Marceau - Innovation, 2008 - Taylor & Francis
Visiting Professor, City Futures Research Centre, University of New South Wales, Sydney
NSW, Australia about customer needs, overseas markets or new organisational possibilities …

Governance models and outcomes to foster public value creation in smart cities

MPR Bolívar - Proceedings of the 18th Annual International …, 2017 - dl.acm.org
The growth of smart cities is forcing governments to focus their efforts on the increase of
public value creation. Based on a literature review of prior research and on a questionnaire …

Creative citizenship: The new wave for collaborative environments in smart cities

MPR Bolívar - Academia revista latinoamericana de administración, 2018 - emerald.com
Purpose This paper is framed under the relevance of collaborative governance models in
smart cities that are members of the EUROCITIES network and are involved in a working …

Different levels of smart and sustainable cities construction using e-participation tools in European and Central Asian countries

L Alcaide Muñoz, MP Rodríguez Bolívar - Sustainability, 2021 - mdpi.com
Cities are developing strategies to deal with the complex challenges of global change and
sustainability. These initiatives have involved the implementation of Information and …

Applicability and benefits of the ecosystem concept in the construction industry

L Pulkka, M Ristimäki, K Rajakallio… - Construction …, 2016 - Taylor & Francis
Inter-firm collaboration has increased significantly in the last decades. The concept of
ecosystem has emerged to explain the nature and implications of businesses' increasing …

Mapping dimensions of governance in smart cities: Practitioners versus prior research

MPR Bolívar - Proceedings of the 17th international digital …, 2016 - dl.acm.org
Many of the challenges to be faced by smart cities surpass the capacities, capabilities, and
reaches of their traditional institutions and their classical processes of governing, and …