Pressure-transient analysis in shale gas reservoirs: A review

C Afagwu, I Abubakar, S Kalam, SF Al-Afnan… - Journal of Natural Gas …, 2020 - Elsevier
The characteristics of shale formations are different from other typical sedimentary
formations. They are stress-sensitive rocks with contained fluids subject to rapid adsorption …

Robust implementations of the 3D-EDFM algorithm for reservoir simulation with complicated hydraulic fractures

C Wang, Q Ran, YS Wu - Journal of Petroleum Science and Engineering, 2019 - Elsevier
The geometry of the subsurface hydraulic fracture is complicated which deviates from the
conventional single pan shape. It can be in multi-wing shape by the formation heterogeneity …

Numerical prediction of the decline of the shale gas production rate with considering the geomechanical effects based on the two-part Hooke's model

J Zheng, Y Ju, HH Liu, L Zheng, M Wang - Fuel, 2016 - Elsevier
The production rate of a typical shale gas well generally has steep decline trend at the initial
stage but small declines at later times. Some empirical relationships have been proposed to …

Parameter determination for a numerical approach to undeveloped shale gas production estimation: The UK Bowland shale region application

U Nwaobi, G Anandarajah - Journal of Natural Gas Science and …, 2018 - Elsevier
The estimation of production potential provides the foundation for commercial viability
appraisal of natural resources. Due to uncertainty around production assessment …

A multi-porosity, multi-physics model to simulate fluid flow in unconventional reservoirs

C Wang, Y Xiong, Z Huang, P Winterfeld… - SPE Reservoir …, 2017 -
Gas flow in shales is complicated by the highly heterogeneous and hierarchical rock
structures (ie, ranging from organic nanopores, inorganic nanopores, less permeable micro …

[PDF][PDF] Numerical simulation of single-phase two-components flow in naturally fractured oil reservoirs

JGS Debossam, JDS Heringer, G Souza… - Coupled Syst …, 2019 -
The main goal of this work is to develop a numerical simulator to study an isothermal single-
phase two-component flow in a naturally fractured oil reservoir, taking into account …

[PDF][PDF] Sphere in Cube Grid Approach to Modelling of Shale Gas Production Using Non-Linear Flow Mechanisms

DS Berawala, JR Ursin… - World Academy of Science …, 2017 -
Shale gas is one of the most rapidly growing forms of natural gas. Unconventional natural
gas deposits are difficult to characterize overall, but in general are often lower in resource …

[图书][B] A multi-scale, multi-continuum and multi-physics model to simulate coupled fluid flow and geomechanics in shale gas reservoirs

C Wang - 2018 -
In this study, several efficient and accurate mathematical models and numerical solutions to
unconventional reservoir development problems are developed. The first is the three …

Uso de uma Inversão Numérica na Determinação da Pressão no Poço em Reservatórios de Gás Natural

RCP Oliveira, GM da Silva, G de Souza… - … Revista Brasiliense de …, 2023 -
Nas últimas décadas, o mercado de gás natural cresceu significativamente devido à
produção a partir de novas reservas, à menor poluição gerada em comparação ao petróleo …

Pouzdanost određivanja propunosti slabo propusnih plinskih ležišta optimiranjem trajanja testa porasta tlaka

S Koščak-Kolin - 2018 -
Sažetak U plinskim bušotinama slabo propusnih ležišta dolazi do odstupanja u određivanju
propusnosti stijene primjenom analize testova porasta tlaka, jer bi mjerenje trebalo trajati i …