By making use of the concept of basic (or q-) calculus, a subclass S⁎(L, q) of q-starlike functions, which is associated with the q-exponential function, is introduced here in the open …
In the present investigation, our aim is to define a generalized subclass of analytic and biunivalent functions associated with a certain q-integral operator in the open unit disk U …
In this article, by employing the hyperbolic tangent function tanh z, a subfamily S tanh∗ S_\tanh^∗ of starlike functions in the open unit disk D⊂ CD⊂C: D= z: z∈ C and| z|< 1 …
By making use of the concept of basic (or q-) calculus, various families of q-extensions of starlike functions, which are associated with the Janowski functions in the open unit disk U …
In the current article, we consider certain subfamilies S e∗ and C e of univalent functions associated with exponential functions which are symmetric along real axis in the region of …
This article presents certain families of analytic functions regarding q-starlikeness and q- convexity of complex order γ (γ∈ C\0). This introduced aq-integral operator and certain …
By making use of the concept of basic (or q-) calculus, many subclasses of analytic and symmetric q-starlike functions have been defined and studied from different viewpoints and …
In the present investigation, by using certain higher-order q-derivatives, the authors introduce and investigate several new subclasses of the family of multivalent q-starlike …
The goal of this article is to determine sharp inequalities of certain coefficient‐related problems for the functions of bounded turning class subordinated with a petal‐shaped …