Fundamentalni znanstveni i javni diskurs o obiteljskom nasilju posljednjih nekoliko desetljeća doživio je kopernikanski obrat–od gotovo nevidljiva privatna fenomena, obiteljsko …
Zusammenfassung Dieses Werk analysiert die Argumentationsstrukturen des Europäischen Gerichtshofs für Menschenrechte, insbesondere dessen Verweise auf einen Europäischen …
I Tucak, A Blagojević - EU and comparative law issues and challenges …, 2020 -
There is a high level of agreement in the EU Member States with respect to a woman's right to abortion. Poland and Malta are the only exceptions to the liberal abortion regime in …
Takdir marjı doktrini, Avrupa İnsan Hakları Mahkemesi içtihatlarında uzun bir süredir varlık göstermektedir. Buna rağmen, bu doktrin; 24.06. 2013 tarihinde imzaya açılan ve tüm üye …
I Tucak, A Blagojević - Studia Iuridica, 2024 -
As a remarkably delicate issue, termination of pregnancy remains even today, in the second decade of the 21st century, firmly in the public eye. Nevertheless, in terms of legal regulation …
This research investigates the attitudes and experiences of non-binary people towards legal sex recognition and reform in England and Wales. The thesis focuses on the Gender …
In its case-law, the European Court of Human Rights has usually protected the right of access to court because of unacceptable legal stands taken by the courts of the contracting …
There is a high level of agreement in the EU Member States with respect to a womans right to abortion. Poland and Malta are the only exceptions to the liberal abortion regime in …
Od razpada Socialistične federativne Republike Jugoslavije je preteklo že kar nekaj časa, pa vendar se še vedno dogovarja ter rešuje nedokončane obveznosti med državami …