Fostering well-being in the elderly: Translating theories on positive aging to practical approaches

L Bar-Tur - Frontiers in Medicine, 2021 -
This article overviews positive aging concepts and strategies to enhance well-being in the
elderly and then presents a translation of theories on positive aging to practical approaches …

Prevalence, structure, and risk factors for mental disorders in older people

NN Petrova, DA Khvostikova - Advances in Gerontology, 2021 - Springer
This review focuses on assessing the prevalence and risk factors of mental disorders in
older people in the modern era, including the COVID-19 pandemic. A systematic review of …

Effectiveness of social support for community-dwelling elderly with depression: A systematic review and meta-analysis

SH Lee, H Lee, S Yu - Healthcare, 2022 -
Depression in the elderly is an important health factor that requires intervention in the form of
social support resources. The purpose of this study was to conduct a systematic review …

Health-promoting and preventive interventions for community-dwelling older people published from inception to 2019: a scoping review to guide decision making in a …

S Bajraktari, M Sandlund, M Zingmark - Archives of public health, 2020 - Springer
Background Despite the promising evidence of health-promoting and preventive
interventions for maintaining health among older people, not all interventions can be …

Mood Lifters for seniors: Development and evaluation of an online, peer-led mental health program for older adults

JS Roberts, RA Ferber, CN Funk… - Gerontology and …, 2022 -
Effective, scalable mental health programs are greatly needed for older adults. In this study,
Mood Lifters—a peer-led, community-based program promoting mental well-being—was …

Reliability and validity of the 10-item personality inventory among older Iranians

A Manoochehr, S Robab, R Mohammad… - … in Russia: State of the art, 2019 -
Background: The high interest in short scales to measure personality traits has created a
need for psychometric studies to validate such scales in different languages and cultures …

Effects of pilates training on physiological and psychological health parameters in healthy older adults and in older adults with clinical conditions over 55 years: a meta …

L Meikis, P Wicker, L Donath - Frontiers in neurology, 2021 -
This meta-analytical review aimed at comparing the impact of Pilates interventions (PIs) on
physiological and psychological health parameters in healthy older adults and older adults …

The roles of discrimination and aging concerns in the mental health of sexual minority older adults

BA Feinstein, BW Katz, I Benjamin, T Macaulay… - LGBT health, 2023 -
Purpose: Sexual minority (SM) older adults report poorer mental health than their
heterosexual peers. While all older adults can experience age discrimination and other …

[HTML][HTML] Priority actions for promoting population mental health and wellbeing

MM Barry, T Kuosmanen, T Keppler, K Dowling… - Mental Health & …, 2024 - Elsevier
Mental health promotion is an essential strategy for improving population mental health and
wellbeing and preventing poor mental health. This paper outlines the case for governments …

Quality of life measurement in community-based aged care–understanding variation between clients and between care service providers

J Siette, ML Jorgensen, A Georgiou, L Dodds… - BMC geriatrics, 2021 - Springer
Background Measuring person-centred outcomes and using this information to improve
service delivery is a challenge for many care providers. We aimed to identify predictors of …