Abstract In 1984, the Provincial Government of Bali issued an idea to assist Pakraman villages in carrying out cultural functions. Through Governor's Letter Number 972 of 1984 …
P Djajakustio, M Khoidin, DO Susanti - JL Pol'y & Globalization, 2020 - HeinOnline
The deed of Power of Attorney to charge Mortgage Right or known as Surat Kuasa Membebankan Hak Tanggungan (referred to as SKMHT) based on the Article 15 paragraph …
6. Bapak Agus Ngadino, SH, MH, selaku Pembimbing Akademik yang selalu memberikan saran dan dukungan selama masa perkuliahan ini; 7. Ibu Sri Turatmiyah, SH, M. Hum …
In its development, in terms of making a Deed of Granting Mortgage the debtor cannot attend which is then represented by his representative, the consequence of the debtor's …