Les luttes féministes et les luttes pour l'abolition du système pénal et de la prison sont souvent présentées comme antagonistes. Le présent ouvrage vise à délier ce nœud en …
People convicted of sexual offences are increasingly subject to a range of post-prison measures designed to reduce their risk of reoffending, including civil commitment, public …
S Fotheringham, L Wells - 2019 - prism.ucalgary.ca
In 2018, the federal government put out a competitive bidding process to conduct a national research study with men to inform the development of a federal engagement strategy for …
Abstract Black, Indigenous, and People of Colour (BIPOC), trans and queer people, people with disabilities, migrants, sex workers, and other multiply-marginalized people face …
This chapter explores how justice is shaped through seeking justice through emancipatory and transformative values and praxis even if demands are not satisfied or are met with …
Campus sexual assault (CSA) remains a persistent public health problem on US college campuses. Changes in US federal law have highlighted the need for responses to campus …
I disse kloke og modige essayene utfordrer Srinivasan vårt tillærte syn på seksualitet og kjønn. Hun går inn i den politiske feministiske debatten og stiller spørsmål ved hva frihet …
The purpose of this grant proposal was to obtain funding for a Restorative Justice (RJ) and Transformative Justice (TJ) program addressing sexual violence in Los Angeles County …
An indispensable guide to the feminist case for prison abolition How does the criminal justice system affect women's lives? Do prisons keep women safe? Should feminists rely on …