Communicating the scientific consensus that human-caused climate change is real increases climate change beliefs, worry and support for public action in the United States. In …
Research addressing the impact of the COVID-19 pandemic on psychosocial well-being and health behavior is accumulating; however, implications for emerging adult populations are …
The new strain of a virus in the coronavirus family, covid-19, generated a pandemic that changed the dynamics of the entire world. Since its inception, there have been discussions …
Spurred by a crisis in their confidence in past findings, psychology in North America, Europe, and Australia has been undergoing a credibility revolution, which has spurred the …
The new strain of a virus in the eoronavirus family, C0VID-I9, generated a pandemic that changed the dynamics of the entire world. Since its inception, there have been discussions …
Improving the generalizability of psychology findings to a culture requires sampling participants in that culture. Yet psychology studies rarely sample from African populations …
D Zambrano - Psicología desde el Caribe, 2021 -
Una nueva cepa de la familia del coronavirus surgió en diciembre de 2019 en Wuhan (China), la cual genera casos severos de neumonía (Ren et al., 2020) y fue identificada …
Una nueva cepa de la familia del coronavirus surgió en diciembre de 2019 en Wuhan (China), la cual genera casos severos de neumonía (Ren et al., 2020) y fue identificada …
La nueva cepa de un virus de la familia de coronavirus, COVID-19, generó una pandemia que cambió las dinámicas en mundo entero. Desde su inicio se ha discutido sobre los …