Biopolymers in vivo are typically subject to spatial restraints, either as a result of molecular crowding in the cellular medium or of direct spatial confinement. DNA in living organisms …
Linking, or multicomponent topological entanglement, is ubiquitous in soft matter systems, from mixtures of polymers and DNA filaments packed in vivo to interlocked line defects in …
We used molecular dynamics simulations to investigate the statics and dynamics of poly [n] catenanes for different bending rigidities of the constituent rings. We show that stiffer rings …
The mechanism by which type-2A topoisomerases transport one DNA duplex through a transient double-strand break produced in another exhibits fascinating traits. One of them is …
The folding of a protein towards its native state is a rather complicated process. However, there is empirical evidence that the folding time correlates with the contact order, a simple …
The three dimensional organization of genomes remains mostly unknown due to their high degree of condensation. Biophysical studies predict that condensation promotes the …
" Knot theory is a fascinating mathematical subject, with multiple links to theoretical physics. This enyclopedia is filled with valuable information on a rich and fascinating subject."–Ed …
In this work we present a computational study of the kinetoplast genome, modelled as a large number of semiflexible unknotted loops, which are allowed to link with each other. As …
We study random knots and links in R^ 3 R 3 using the Petaluma model, which is based on the petal projections developed in 2. In this model we obtain a formula for the limiting …