S Kaminskaïa - Nouvelle Revue Synergies Canada, 2023 - erudit.org
Le français ontarien minoritaire montre régulièrement une réduction de la variation sociolinguistique. Ici, nous examinons la variation du rythme phonétique dans deux styles …
This dissertation focuses on speech rhythm in the context of L2 acquisition and teaching. A novel approach of speech rhythm is proposed: arguments are given in favor of an integrative …
This study examines rhythmic patterns in French sentences read by 10 native French speakers and 21 Chinese learners of French (with different levels of proficiency). We used 9 …
S Kaminskaia, N Gadbois, J Van Leeuwen - cla-acl.ca
Le rythme et l'intonation d'une langue seconde (L2) ne sont pas faciles à acquérir, ce qui mène à des transferts des traits prosodiques de la langue maternelle (L1) en L2. Le rythme …
In spoken communication, the speaker uses speech to express his intention, and the listener listens to the speech to understand the speaker's intention. However, as it is said that” the …