A bstract Krylov complexity measures the spread of the wavefunction in the Krylov basis, which is constructed using the Hamiltonian and an initial state. We investigate the evolution …
A bstract Continuing the previous initiatives [1, 2], we pursue the exploration of operator growth and Krylov complexity in dissipative open quantum systems. In this paper, we resort …
A bstract We study Krylov complexity in various models of quantum field theory: free massive bosons and fermions on flat space and on spheres, holographic models, and lattice models …
A bstract Considering the large q expansion of the Sachdev-Ye-Kitaev (SYK) model in the two-stage limit, we compute the Lanczos coefficients, Krylov complexity, and the higher …
A Kundu, V Malvimat, R Sinha - Journal of High Energy Physics, 2023 - Springer
A bstract We compute the Krylov Complexity of a light operator\(\mathcal {O}\) L in an eigenstate of a 2d CFT at large central charge c. The eigenstate corresponds to a primary …
K Pal, K Pal, A Gill, T Sarkar - Physical Review B, 2023 - APS
We relate the probability distribution of the work done on a statistical system under a sudden quench to the Lanczos coefficients corresponding to evolution under the postquench …
A bstract A number of recent works have argued that quantum complexity, a well-known concept in computer science that has re-emerged recently in the context of the physics of …
A bstract We study the spectral properties of two classes of random matrix models: non- Gaussian RMT with quartic and sextic potentials, and RMT with Gaussian noise. We …
The Hungarian physicist Eugene Wigner introduced random matrix models in physics to describe the energy spectra of atomic nuclei. As such, the main goal of random matrix theory …