Poverty and deprivation among children in Eastern Europe and Central Asia

L Menchini, G Redmond - International Journal of Social …, 2009 - Wiley Online Library
Although there is now a large body of literature on poverty in the countries of Eastern Europe
and Central Asia, there remains a dearth of comparative analysis of child poverty and …

The transition process and changes in income, income inequality and poverty: The case of Romania

MS Stănculescu, L Pop - Activity, Incomes and Social Welfare, 2017 - taylorfrancis.com
Poverty and inequality were considered a political taboo in Romania. The first
comprehensive analysis of poverty and inequality was released in 1995, providing an …

[PDF][PDF] Child consumption poverty in South-Eastern Europe and the Commonwealth of independent states

L Menchini, G Redmond - 2006 - academia.edu
This paper examines poverty in recent years among children in the countries of South
Eastern Europe and the Commonwealth of Independent States. The indicator used to …

[PDF][PDF] „Direcţii strategice ale dezvoltării durabile în România”

C Ciupagea, D Manoleli, V Niţă, M Papatulică… - Institutul European din …, 2006 - ier.gov.ro
În contextul creşterii populaţiei şi al consumului de resurse naturale, dezvoltarea durabilă
este un model de dezvoltare ce vizează echilibrul între creşterea economică, calitatea vieţii …

[PDF][PDF] Impacts of the international economic crisis in Romania 2009–2010

MS Stănculescu, M Marin - Bucureşti, Editura …, 2011 - childimpact.unicef-irc.org
Whenever a crisis strikes, children suffer. This is especially true of children and families who
are already struggling on the margins of society. This report confirms that fairly obvious fact …

Legal Responsibility in the Operating Room in the Particular Case of Retained Surgical Foreign Bodies

RLD Păunescu - Adapting to Change Business Law insight from Today's … - ceeol.com
The study presents an analysis of legal liability in the operating room, in the hypothesis of a
retained surgical foreign bodies, as well as the interpretation of the procedure for completing …

[PDF][PDF] Strategic directions of sustainable development in Romania

C Ciupagea, D Manoleli, V Niţă, M Papatulică… - … , European Institute of …, 2006 - ier.gov.ro
Within the context of increasing population and consumption of natural resources,
sustainable development is a pattern of development that targets a balance between the …


C Ciupagea, MS Stanculescu - academia.edu
Within the context of increasing population and consumption of natural resources,
sustainable development is a pattern of development that targets a balance between the …

[PDF][PDF] Direc ii strategice ale dezvoltării durabile în România

D Manoleli, V Ni, M Papatulică, M Stănculescu - strategia.cndd.ro
1.1. 1 Dimensiunile dezvoltării durabile În contextul creşterii populaiei şi al consumului de
resurse naturale, dezvoltarea durabilă este un model de dezvoltare ce vizează echilibrul …

[PDF][PDF] Innocenti Social Monitor

IS Monitor - 2006 - unicef.org
Layout: Bernard & Co, Siena, Italy Printing: Tipografia Giuntina, Florence, Italy the region,
income poverty faced by children has declined and access to basic social services has been …