Health tourism industry is rapidly growing across different countries and make a lot of financial economic benefits. A deep understanding of a destination for health tourism can …
Medical centers need branding approach to improve their position in patients' minds. This study was carried out using mixed method. The participants included main experts, hospital …
In the current competitive situation, hospitals are seeking to keep their position among patients. This study aimed to find factors influencing on the brand equity of hospitals. in the …
Objective: The length of stay is an important indicator of hospital performance and efficiency. Regarding the importance of the length of stay, this study aimed to design a structural model …
In healthcare, before visiting a healthcare institution, patients choose a hospital brand as a confirmation of quality based on their own experience, perception and brand recognition, as …
Traditional marketing has shifted to digital marketing due to the highly competitive market and technological advancements with the internet. In today's digital age, where the majority …
Early treatment and rehabilitation medical service is one of the important items in rehabilitation medicine. The service quality is critical for developing organizational …
A márkanevek a márkaidentitás egyik elemeként a márka reprezentációját szolgálják. A tanulmány célkitűzése, hogy egy előzetesen, szakemberek körében végzett kutatás …
VI Triastuti, M Basabih - Jurnal Medika Hutama, 2023 -
Hospital is a health institution that provides complete individual health services. A high level of brand equity, especially in healthcare organizations increases customer satisfaction, their …