Die Brautgabe (mahr) ist eine Schlüsselfigur des klassischen islamischen Eherechts, die von allen islamischen Ländern rezipiert worden ist. Nadjma Yassari untersucht die …
Much of the life and ritual of the Druze in Lebanon appears mysterious to outsiders, as this esoteric sect remains closed to non-members. Lubna Tarabey, herself a member of this …
B Benzenine - Cahiers d'études africaines, 2021 - journals.openedition.org
Le discours réformiste adopté par le régime algérien après l'arrivée au pouvoir du président Bouteflika en 1999 a mis en avant l'émancipation des femmes dans toutes les sphères de la …
The volume serves as reference point for anyone interested in the Middle East and North Africa as well as for those interested in women's rights and family law, generally or in the …
The purpose of this study was to explore barriers to work, enablers for work and work experiences of women employed in the hotel sector in the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia (KSA) …
1-Mark Florman, Chairman's the Centre for Social Justice, pointed out that “family life lies at the heart of our nation. It is where we grow up and receive many of our skills for life. It is …