[HTML][HTML] Multi-scale brain networks

RF Betzel, DS Bassett - Neuroimage, 2017 - Elsevier
The network architecture of the human brain has become a feature of increasing interest to
the neuroscientific community, largely because of its potential to illuminate human cognition …

Modular brain networks

O Sporns, RF Betzel - Annual review of psychology, 2016 - annualreviews.org
The development of new technologies for mapping structural and functional brain
connectivity has led to the creation of comprehensive network maps of neuronal circuits and …

Metrics for community analysis: A survey

T Chakraborty, A Dalmia, A Mukherjee… - ACM Computing Surveys …, 2017 - dl.acm.org
Detecting and analyzing dense groups or communities from social and information networks
has attracted immense attention over the last decade due to its enormous applicability in …

On community structure in complex networks: challenges and opportunities

H Cherifi, G Palla, BK Szymanski, X Lu - Applied Network Science, 2019 - Springer
Community structure is one of the most relevant features encountered in numerous real-
world applications of networked systems. Despite the tremendous effort of a large …

CDLIB: a python library to extract, compare and evaluate communities from complex networks

G Rossetti, L Milli, R Cazabet - Applied Network Science, 2019 - Springer
Community Discovery is among the most studied problems in complex network analysis.
During the last decade, many algorithms have been proposed to address such task; …

Clustering scientific publications based on citation relations: A systematic comparison of different methods

L Šubelj, NJ Van Eck, L Waltman - PloS one, 2016 - journals.plos.org
Clustering methods are applied regularly in the bibliometric literature to identify research
areas or scientific fields. These methods are for instance used to group publications into …

Faster unfolding of communities: Speeding up the Louvain algorithm

VA Traag - Physical Review E, 2015 - APS
Many complex networks exhibit a modular structure of densely connected groups of nodes.
Usually, such a modular structure is uncovered by the optimization of some quality function …

Discovering community patterns in open-source: a systematic approach and its evaluation

DA Tamburri, F Palomba, A Serebrenik… - Empirical Software …, 2019 - Springer
Abstract “There can be no vulnerability without risk; there can be no community without
vulnerability; there can be no peace, and ultimately no life, without community.”-[M. Scott …

Characterizing communities of hashtag usage on twitter during the 2020 COVID-19 pandemic by multi-view clustering

IJ Cruickshank, KM Carley - Applied Network Science, 2020 - Springer
The COVID-19 pandemic has produced a flurry of online activity on social media sites. As
such, analysis of social media data during the COVID-19 pandemic can produce unique …

Detecting communities using asymptotical surprise

VA Traag, R Aldecoa, JC Delvenne - Physical review e, 2015 - APS
Nodes in real-world networks are repeatedly observed to form dense clusters, often referred
to as communities. Methods to detect these groups of nodes usually maximize an objective …