How effective are fiscal incentives for R&D? A review of the evidence

B Hall, J Van Reenen - Research policy, 2000 - Elsevier
This paper surveys the econometric evidence on the effectiveness of fiscal incentives for
R&D. We describe the effects of tax systems in OECD countries on the user cost of R&D …

Notching R&D investment with corporate income tax cuts in China

Z Chen, Z Liu, JC Suárez Serrato, DY Xu - American Economic Review, 2021 -
We study a Chinese policy that awards substantial tax cuts to firms with R&D investment
over a threshold or “notch.” Quasi-experimental variation and administrative tax data show a …

Internal R & D expenditures and external technology sourcing

R Veugelers - Research policy, 1997 - Elsevier
The paper examines the two-way relationship between external R & D activities and internal
R & D expenditures on a cross-section of Flemish R & D active companies. The analysis …

Are firms that receive R&D subsidies more innovative?

C Bérubé, P Mohnen - Canadian Journal of Economics/Revue …, 2009 - Wiley Online Library
This paper looks at the effectiveness of R&D grants for Canadian plants that already benefit
from R&D tax credits. Using a non‐parametric matching estimator and data from the 2005 …

The R&D tax credit and other technology policy issues

E Mansfield - The American Economic Review, 1986 - JSTOR
As more and more countries, big and small, have adopted R&D tax credits, the need for
additional evidence concerning their effectiveness in increasing R&D has become obvious …

A failure-inducement model of research and development expenditure: Italian evidence from the early 1980s

C Antonelli - Journal of Economic Behavior & Organization, 1989 - Elsevier
Empirical evidence for the Schumpeterian suggestion of a positive relationship between
profitability and innovative effort is slim. In fact, the opposite is often suggested. An …

Firm size and R&D tax incentives

T Koga - Technovation, 2003 - Elsevier
This paper examines the effectiveness of R&D tax credits using data on 904 Japanese
manufacturing firms over 10 years (1989–1998). I find evidence that tax price elasticity is …

[图书][B] Government's role in innovation

DP Leyden, AN Link - 2012 -
Inadequate investment in innovation is particularly costly in today's globally competitive
environment where continued technological advancements are critical to sustaining …

[HTML][HTML] Налоговая поддержка науки и инноваций: спрос и эффекты

ЛМ Гохберг, ГА Китова, ВА Рудь - Форсайт, 2014 -
Налоговые льготы доказали свою эффективность в качестве инструмента
государственной поддержки науки, технологий и инноваций, и используются во многих …

On the option to invest in pollution control under a regime of tradable emissions allowances

MC Insley - … Journal of Economics/Revue canadienne d' …, 2003 - Wiley Online Library
Optimal decisions of a firm facing the option of retrofitting its plant to reduce pollution and
thereby eliminate the need to purchase emissions allowances are analysed. The decision is …