This review focuses on terrorism and extremist crimes, including ideologically motivated hate crimes. Research on these topics has become more rigorous in recent decades, and …
SOCIOLOGY OF DEVIANT BEHAVIOR presents a theoretical and empirical overview of the nature and meaning of deviance, examining in detail a number of forms of behavior …
1 'Racial violence in Greater Manchester'(with David Smith and Liz Wastell, Lancaster University) funded under the ESRC's Violence Research Programme, 1998–2000. 2 See, for …
Die 7. Auflage der „Kriminologie “, nun von Tobias Singelnstein mitverfasst, bietet eine grundlegend überarbeitete Fassung des seit 1994 bewährten Lehrbuches. Die Darstellung …
In 1990 when Michael Gottfredson and Travis Hirschi published A General Theory of Crime, now often referred to as self control theory, it quickly became among the most discussed and …
Criminologists have long recognized that offending and victimization share common ground. Using Gottfredson and Hirschi's general theory of crime, with its emphasis on self-control as …
This study investigates two core propositions of Gottfredson and Hirschi's (1990) general theory of crime. Using longitudinal data collected on approximately 750 African American …
Gottfredson and Hirschi's General Theory of Crime contends that low self-control interacts with opportunity to produce criminal and analogous behaviors. Although several theoretical …
Gottfredson and Hirschi claim that self‐control is the only enduring personal characteristic implicated in criminal activity. Other scholars, such as Moffitt and Rowe, claim that although …