Damage diagnosis has been a challenging inverse problem in structural health monitoring. The main difficulty is characterizing the unknown relation between the measurements and …
Advancement in sensing devices such as wireless sensors and high-rate data acquisition systems have recently enhanced inherent ability of structural health monitoring (SHM) where …
In SHM, fixed sensor networks with long-term monitoring capabilities, dense sensor arrays, or high sampling rates are perceived to produce BIGDATA. As the temporal and spatial …
Large quantities of data which contain detailed condition information over an extended period of time should be utilized to prioritize infrastructure repairs. As the temporal and …
Structural health monitoring (SHM) techniques have been studied over the past few decades to detect the deficiencies affecting the performance of the structures. Detecting and …
Structures experience large vibrations and stress variations during their life cycles. This causes reduction in their load-carrying capacity which is the main design criteria for many …
This dissertation focuses on the applications of high-dimensional data analytics in the context of structural health monitoring and non-destructive evaluation. In high-dimensional …
Damage diagnosis of structures subjected to time-varying environmental and operational conditions has been a challenging task. This task involves a damage indicator selection to …