Analysis and comparison of economic and financial risk sources in SMEs of the Visegrad group and Serbia

J Oláh, S Kovács, Z Virglerova, Z Lakner, M Kovacova… - Sustainability, 2019 -
Risk management is one of the most important internal process, not only in large companies
but also in small and medium-sized enterprises (SMEs). To identify the source of risk can be …

Corporate culture in service companies that support knowledge sharing

A Bencsik, ST Kosár, R Machová - Journal of Tourism and Services, 2018 -
The corporate significance of knowledge has already been proven on the basis of several
research findings. Manufacturing companies play an important role in development of …

[PDF][PDF] 基于PMC 指数模型的科技服务业政策量化评价: 辽宁及相关省市比较

杜宝贵, 陈磊 - 科技进步与对策, 2022 -
对科技服务业政策进行评价有助于科技服务业政策优化和改进, 运用国内新兴的PMC
指数模型对辽宁省科技服务业政策进行量化评价. 基于前人研究成果以及2012-2020 年我国68 …

[PDF][PDF] Gazelles in services: what are the specifics of their existence in Slovakia?

V Kubičková, M Krošláková, A Michálková… - Management & …, 2018 -
Young dynamic service enterprises–gazelles–represent the modern economy phenomenon,
which stimulates the growth by its operation, in particular of local economy. This article …

A quantitative assessment of the impact of government activities on the economy of Poland

DF Meyer - Journal of Eastern European and Central Asian …, 2019 -
Government interventions and economic activities could have significant impacts on the
economies of countries. Effective governance and quality institutions are required for …

Artificial Intelligence and Labour Productivity: Lessons from China

NM Yunus, L Zouya - International Journal of China Studies, 2024 -
This study investigates the impact of artificial intelligence (AI) on labour productivity across
China's manufacturing, services, and agriculture sectors by using the number of patented AI …

Az időalapú verseny hatása a logisztikai szolgáltatók tevékenységére és rugalmasságára az ellátási láncban

J Oláh, G Karmazin, Z Lakner, J Popp - Controller info, 2017 -
A szerzôk cikkükben megvizsgálták az ellátási láncok és a logisztikai szolgáltatók
idôvel kapcsolatos problémáit, azok következményeit és megoldási lehetôségeit …

Kepemilikan Hak Kekayaan Intelektual dan Kinerja Sektor Ekonomi Kreatif di Indonesia

DY Ananda, MH Yudhistira - Jurnal Kebijakan Ekonomi, 2020 -
Ekonomi kreatif ditetapkan pemerintah sebagai tulang punggung perekonomian Indonesia
di masa mendatang. Berdasarkan Undang-undang Nomor 24 Tahun 2019 Tentang …

The Trademark Application Activity in Bulgaria According to the Nice Classification and Economic Sectors for the Period 2010-2020

V Nikolova-Minkova - Икономически изследвания, 2022 -
This study presents the state and dynamics of Bulgarian and foreign trademark activity in
Bulgaria as measured by the NICE classes of the trademark applications for the period 2010 …

[PDF][PDF] Advanced statistical techniques for testing Benford's law

R Sadaf - 2017 -
rabeea. sadaf) econ. unideb. hu Abstract: The frequency ofaccounting data frauds has been
increased in corporate environment. As a result of that, the research on detection of such …