Obstructive sleep apnea, chronic obstructive pulmonary disease and hypertensive microvascular disease: a cross-sectional observational cohort study

S Chew, D Colville, A Hutchinson, P Canty… - Scientific Reports, 2022 - nature.com
Hypertensive microvascular disease is associated with an increased risk of diastolic heart
failure, vascular dementia and progressive renal impairment. This study examined whether …

Синдром обструктивного апноэ сна у детей: предпосылки формирования и возможности ультразвуковой диагностики структурно-функциональных …

СЕ Большакова, ИМ Мадаева, ОН Бердина… - Педиатр, 2021 - elibrary.ru
Распространенность нарушений дыхания во сне у детей составляет 1-5% в общей
популяции. Работы, посвященные синдрому обструктивного апноэ сна (СОАС) у детей …

Obstructive sleep apnea syndrome in children: prerequisites for formation and possibilities of ultrasound diagnostics of structural and functional changes in the …

SE Bolshakova, IM Madaeva… - Pediatrician (St …, 2021 - journals.eco-vector.com
Obstructive sleep apnea (OSA) in children are relatively frequent sleep disorder, with a
prevalence of 1–5%, in pediatrics population, as reported by different studies. The clinical …