The nuclear receptor superfamily: A structural perspective

ER Weikum, X Liu, EA Ortlund - Protein Science, 2018 - Wiley Online Library
Nuclear receptors (NRs) are a family of transcription factors that regulate numerous
physiological processes such as metabolism, reproduction, inflammation, as well as the …

Biology and mechanisms of action of the vitamin D hormone

JW Pike, S Christakos - Endocrinology and Metabolism Clinics, 2017 -
Discovered many decades earlier by Mellanby, 1 McCollum and colleagues, 2 Steenbock, 3
and Windaus and colleagues, 4 vitamin D is now known through ensuing research efforts by …

Retinoic acid receptors: from molecular mechanisms to cancer therapy

A Di Masi, L Leboffe, E De Marinis, F Pagano… - Molecular aspects of …, 2015 - Elsevier
Retinoic acid (RA), the major bioactive metabolite of retinol or vitamin A, induces a spectrum
of pleiotropic effects in cell growth and differentiation that are relevant for embryonic …

Molecular aspects of thyroid hormone actions

SY Cheng, JL Leonard, PJ Davis - Endocrine reviews, 2010 -
Cellular actions of thyroid hormone may be initiated within the cell nucleus, at the plasma
membrane, in cytoplasm, and at the mitochondrion. Thyroid hormone nuclear receptors …

Vitamin D: Newer concepts of its metabolism and function at the basic and clinical level

DD Bikle - Journal of the Endocrine Society, 2020 -
The interest in vitamin D continues unabated with thousands of publications contributing to a
vast and growing literature each year. It is widely recognized that the vitamin D receptor …

Autonomic healing of polymer composites

SR White, NR Sottos, PH Geubelle, JS Moore… - Nature, 2001 -
Structural polymers are susceptible to damage in the form of cracks, which form deep within
the structure where detection is difficult and repair is almost impossible. Cracking leads to …

Physiological and molecular basis of thyroid hormone action

PM Yen - Physiological reviews, 2001 -
Thyroid hormones (THs) play critical roles in the differentiation, growth, metabolism, and
physiological function of virtually all tissues. TH binds to receptors that are ligand …

Estrogen receptors: how do they signal and what are their targets

N Heldring, A Pike, S Andersson… - Physiological …, 2007 -
During the past decade there has been a substantial advance in our understanding of
estrogen signaling both from a clinical as well as a preclinical perspective. Estrogen …

Targeted disruption of the nuclear receptor FXR/BAR impairs bile acid and lipid homeostasis

CJ Sinal, M Tohkin, M Miyata, JM Ward, G Lambert… - Cell, 2000 -
Mice lacking the nuclear bile acid receptor FXR/BAR developed normally and were
outwardly identical to wild-type littermates. FXR/BAR null mice were distinguished from wild …

Vitamin A and retinoid signaling: genomic and nongenomic effects: thematic review series: fat-soluble vitamins: vitamin A

Z Al Tanoury, A Piskunov, C Rochette-Egly - Journal of lipid research, 2013 - ASBMB
Vitamin A or retinol is arguably the most multifunctional vitamin in the human body, as it is
essential from embryogenesis to adulthood. The pleiotropic effects of vitamin A are exerted …