Mangrove forest in Lubuk Kertang Village, West Brandan sub-district has been converted around 20 ha annually (1996–2016) into various non-forest land use. Rehabilitation can be …
Mangroves are fragmented habitats thriving in human-dominated coastalscapes worldwide. They provide refuge to threatened plant species, such as the Neotropical Piñuelo Mangrove …
The enemy release hypothesis (ERH) posits that introduced species often leave their enemies behind when introduced to a new range. This release from enemies may allow …
Mangroves are invading oyster reefs in areas no longer impacted by winter freezes and completely transforming them into mangrove islands. The mechanisms influencing the …
Mangrove forests are highly productive and play a major role in global carbon cycling. Their carbon accumulation can be influenced through the consumption of nutrient-poor leaves …
Rhizophora mangle L. pertence à família Rhizophoraceae que possui distribuição pantropical (Tomlinson, 1986), sendo a espécie dominante nos manguezais brasileiros …