BN Upreti - Journal of Asian Earth Sciences, 1999 - Elsevier
Nepal can be divided into the following five east–west trending major tectonic zones.(i) The Terai Tectonic Zone which consists of over one km of Recent alluvium concealing the Churia …
The ongoing collision of India with Asia is partly accommodated by slip on the Main Himalayan Thrust (MHT). The 25 April 2015, M w 7.8 Gorkha earthquake is the most recent …
JP Avouac - Advances in geophysics, 2003 -
The Himalaya is the most impressive example on earth of an active collisional orogen. It combines rapid crustal shortening and thickening, intense denudation driven by the …
Two end‐member kinematic models of crustal shortening across the Himalaya are currently debated: one assumes localized thrusting along a single major thrust fault, the Main …
We present a new geologic map of western Nepal and three balanced regional cross sections in the Himalayan thrust belt. The minimum shortening between the South Tibetan …
A major question about the Himalaya remains open: does a great earthquake (like the Mw~ 8.1 1934 earthquake) release all the strain stored by the Tibet–India convergence during the …
S Mukherjee - Special Publications, 2015 -
Out-of-sequence deformation in the Himalaya has been caused mainly by thrusting. Out-of- sequence thrusts, usually north-to NE-dipping foreshear planes, occur inside the Sub …
In situ Th–Pb monazite ages from rocks collected along two transects (the Dudh Kosi- Everest, eastern Nepal and the Bhagirathi River, Garhwal Himalaya, India) perpendicular to …
Underthrusting of the Indian lithosphere beneath the Himalayas occurs during the Quaternary period along a gently north-dipping main basal detachment (main Himalayan …