Urban flooding is a key global challenge which is expected to become exacerbated under global change due to more intense rainfall and flashier runoff regimes over increasingly …
In this review, we take stock of the last decade of research on climate change governance in urban areas since the 2009 conference in Copenhagen. Using a systematic evaluation of …
Climate change has a large effect on the global water cycle, which will be further impacted by urbanization, resulting in a slew of water issues such as water scarcity and flooding. As a …
Urban water infrastructure (UWI) in cities faces enormous pressure to cope with increased water demands, handle extreme events and improve the service with minimum resource …
Inherited system features and challenges that can hinder urban planning initiatives must be taken into consideration before a path towards a sustainable future can be established. By …
Upgrading urban services and maintaining their functionality, such as drainage systems, in a sustainable manner to keep up with the increasing demand and changing needs, like …
In the framework of porosity models for large-scale urban floods, this work presents a method to compute the spatial distribution of the porosity parameters of complex urban …
Coastal city flooding is projected to worsen in low-lying cities with climate change. Planners are concerned about the inadequacy of their current flood mitigation strategies, and the …