[图书][B] Scandalous Error: Calendar Reform and Calendrical Astronomy in Medieval Europe

CPE Nothaft - 2018 - books.google.com
The Gregorian calendar reform of 1582, which provided the basis for the civil and Western
ecclesiastical calendars still in use today, has often been seen as a triumph of early modern …

[图书][B] Policraticus

I Saresberiensis, C Brucker, D Foulechat - 1993 - initiale.irht.cnrs.fr
Don de Laurent Surreau, chanoine de Rouen, ex-dono (15e s.):" Laurentius Surreau, in
utroque jure licenciatus, de hac civitate oriundus, canonicus Rothomagensis, dedit ac …

[图书][B] Reimagining Jerusalem's Architectural Identities in the Later Middle Ages

CA Fleck - 2022 - books.google.com
How can medieval art explain Jerusalem's centrality in the world faiths of Christianity and
Islam? This book delves into that topic by examining how Jerusalem was creatively …

[图书][B] The Medieval Tournament: Chivalry, Heraldry and Reality. An Edition and Analysis of Three Fifteenth-Century Tournament Manuscripts

RD Moffat - 2010 - etheses.whiterose.ac.uk
In the Royal Armouries collection is a codex comprising three fifteenth-century manuscripts
in French. The codex is not only unpublished, it has never been transcribed or translated …

Scriptoria and Libraries: An overview

D Nebbiai - 2020 - academic.oup.com
This chapter explores the relationship between scriptoria and libraries during the Middle
Ages, from the monastic houses of the early Middle Ages through the changes wrought by …

La biblioteca dell'abbazia di Saint-Sépulcre di Cambrai nel XV secolo: gestione e organizzazione del patrimonio librario

S Pretto - Bibliothecae. it, 2023 - bibliothecae.unibo.it
The article outlines the organization of the library of the Benedictine abbey of Saint-Sépulcre
in Cambrai in the 15th century, studying the manuscripts coming from the monastery in that …

[PDF][PDF] De cruce Domini y De non uelle mentiri: dos opúsculos inéditos basados en sermones tardoantiguos (estudio y edición crítica).

J Aguilar Miquel - Ágora: estudos clássicos em debate, 2020 - roderic.uv.es
This paper provides the study and critical edition of two anonymous texts, preserved by
seven manuscripts (9th-17th c.) transmitting the Sententiae of Taio Caesaraugustanus. The …

[PDF][PDF] The Third Dimension of the Book: Codicological Aspects of Multi-Textuality

D Muzerelle, E Ornato - Trends in Statistical Codicology, 2021 - library.oapen.org
Over the last few decades we have witnessed, in the fields of philology and palaeography, a
growing re-evaluation of the book as a manufactured product. This development represents …

Veuillez remplir au moins un champ de recherche

B Brixiensis, M de la Bible d'Avila - initiale.irht.cnrs.fr
Le colophon du texte donne la date 1318:" Ibi est finis Decretorum, anno ab incarnatione
Domini nostri Jesu Christi millesimo CCC XVIII, die sabbati pasche" et celui de la glose …

Nuovi frammenti priscianei dalla biblioteca di Soissons

D Gallo - Materiali e discussioni per l'analisi dei testi classici: 89 …, 2022 - torrossa.com
Sommario· Il rinnovato interesse per lo studio dei grammatici latini ha portato negli ultimi
anni alla scoperta di nuovi testimoni manoscritti che tramandano i loro testi. Oggetto del …