Dynamic relaxations and relaxation-property relationships in metallic glasses

WH Wang - Progress in Materials Science, 2019 - Elsevier
Dynamic relaxation is an intrinsic and universal feature of glasses and enables fluctuation
and dissipation to occur, which induces plentiful behaviour, maintains equilibrium, and …

Dynamics of glasses and glass-forming liquids studied by inelastic X-ray scattering

F Sette, MH Krisch, C Masciovecchio, G Ruocco… - Science, 1998 - science.org
The development of inelastic x-ray scattering with millielectron volt energy resolution at the
European Synchrotron Radiation Facility in Grenoble, France, provides a method for …

Jamming at zero temperature and zero applied stress: The epitome of disorder

CS O'hern, LE Silbert, AJ Liu, SR Nagel - Physical Review E, 2003 - APS
We have studied how two-and three-dimensional systems made up of particles interacting
with finite range, repulsive potentials jam (ie, develop a yield stress in a disordered state) at …

Harmonic vibrational excitations in disordered solids and the “boson peak”

W Schirmacher, G Diezemann, C Ganter - Physical review letters, 1998 - APS
We consider a system of coupled classical harmonic oscillators with spatially fluctuating
nearest-neighbor force constants on a simple cubic lattice. The model is solved both by …

Phonon interpretation of the 'boson peak'in supercooled liquids

TS Grigera, V Martín-Mayor, G Parisi, P Verrocchio - Nature, 2003 - nature.com
Glasses, are amorphous solids, in the sense that they display elastic behaviour. In
crystalline solids, elasticity is associated with phonons, which are quantized vibrational …

Dynamical susceptibility of glass formers: Contrasting the predictions of theoretical scenarios

C Toninelli, M Wyart, L Berthier, G Biroli… - Physical Review E …, 2005 - APS
We compute analytically and numerically the four-point correlation function that
characterizes nontrivial cooperative dynamics in glassy systems within several models of …

Detection of human influence on sea-level pressure

NP Gillett, FW Zwiers, AJ Weaver, PA Stott - Nature, 2003 - nature.com
Greenhouse gases and tropospheric sulphate aerosols—the main human influences on
climate—have been shown to have had a detectable effect on surface air temperature,,, the …

Evolution of vibrational excitations in glassy systems

W Götze, MR Mayr - Physical Review E, 2000 - APS
The equations of the mode-coupling theory (MCT) for ideal liquid-glass transitions are used
for a discussion of the evolution of the density-fluctuation spectra of glass-forming systems …

Evidence of high frequency propagating modes in vitreous silica

P Benassi, M Krisch, C Masciovecchio, V Mazzacurati… - Physical review …, 1996 - APS
High energy resolution inelastic x-ray scattering measurements in the 1–6 nm− 1 momentum
transfer (Q) region in vitreous silica (v− S i O 2) at T= 1050 K show the existence of collective …

Scattering investigation of acoustic localization in fused silica

M Foret, E Courtens, R Vacher, JB Suck - Physical review letters, 1996 - APS
Small angle neutron time-of-flight spectroscopy and inelastic x-ray scattering results are
reported on the acoustic vibrations of fused silica. An expression for the dynamical structure …