Chemistry, biosynthesis and biology of floral volatiles: roles in pollination and other functions

S Dötterl, J Gershenzon - Natural Product Reports, 2023 -
Covering: 2010 to 2023 Floral volatiles are a chemically diverse group of plant metabolites
that serve multiple functions. Their composition is shaped by environmental, ecological and …

Nocturnal pollination: an overlooked ecosystem service vulnerable to environmental change

CJ Macgregor, AS Scott-Brown - Emerging Topics in Life …, 2020 -
Existing assessments of the ecosystem service of pollination have been largely restricted to
diurnal insects, with a particular focus on generalist foragers such as wild and honey bees …

Nocturnal pollinators strongly contribute to pollen transport of wild flowers in an agricultural landscape

RE Walton, CD Sayer, H Bennion… - Biology …, 2020 -
Dramatic declines in diurnal pollinators have created great scientific interest in plant–
pollinator relationships and associated pollination services. Existing literature, however, is …

A global review demonstrating the importance of nocturnal pollinators for crop plants

MN Buxton, AC Gaskett, JM Lord… - Journal of Applied …, 2022 - Wiley Online Library
Pollinating insects are critical to ecosystem stability and food security. Concerns about the
impact of insect declines have therefore seen increased research on the role of wild …

Honeybee Pollinators Use Visual and Floral Scent Cues to Find Apple (Malus domestica) Flowers

M Rachersberger, GD Cordeiro… - Journal of agricultural …, 2019 - ACS Publications
Apple flowers of most varieties require pollinator-mediated cross-pollination. However, little
is known about the cues used by pollinators to find the flowers. We used bioassays to …

Global warming impairs the olfactory floral signaling in strawberry

GD Cordeiro, S Dötterl - BMC Plant Biology, 2023 - Springer
Background Global warming is expected to impact the chemical communication between
flowering plants and their pollinators. Surprisingly, it is unknown whether and how …

Consequences of evolutionary transitions in changing photic environments

SM Tierney, M Friedrich, WF Humphreys… - Austral …, 2017 - Wiley Online Library
Light represents one of the most reliable environmental cues in the biological world. In this
review we focus on the evolutionary consequences to changes in organismal photic …

Do we truly understand pollination syndromes in Petunia as much as we suppose?

DM Rodrigues, L Caballero-Villalobos, C Turchetto… - AoB Plants, 2018 -
Petunia is endemic to South America grasslands; member of this genus exhibit variation in
flower colour and shape, attracting bees, hawkmoths or hummingbirds. This group of plants …

The role of adult noctuid moths (Lepidoptera: Noctuidae) and their food plants in a nocturnal pollen-transport network on a Mediterranean island

E Ribas-Marques, J Díaz-Calafat, M Boi - Journal of Insect Conservation, 2022 - Springer
Noctuidae belong to one of the largest families of night-flying Lepidoptera. However, despite
being among the most common nocturnal flower-visitors, they have seldom been included in …

Nocturnal bee pollinators are attracted to guarana flowers by their scents

C Krug, GD Cordeiro, I Schäffler, CI Silva… - Frontiers in plant …, 2018 -
Floral scent is an important component of the trait repertoire of flowering plants, which is
used to attract and manipulate pollinators. Despite advances during the last decades about …