Artificial intelligence (AI) is poised to broadly reshape medicine, potentially improving the experiences of both clinicians and patients. We discuss key findings from a 2-year weekly …
Background Artificial intelligence (AI) research in healthcare is accelerating rapidly, with potential applications being demonstrated across various domains of medicine. However …
In the past decade, advances in precision oncology have resulted in an increased demand for predictive assays that enable the selection and stratification of patients for treatment. The …
Histopathological images contain rich phenotypic information that can be used to monitor underlying mechanisms contributing to disease progression and patient survival outcomes …
Artificial intelligence and machine learning techniques are breaking into biomedical research and health care, which importantly includes cancer research and oncology, where …
Underserved populations experience higher levels of pain. These disparities persist even after controlling for the objective severity of diseases like osteoarthritis, as graded by human …
Machine Learning in Medicine In this view of the future of medicine, patient–provider interactions are informed and supported by massive amounts of data from interactions with …
J Yin, KY Ngiam, HH Teo - Journal of medical Internet research, 2021 -
Background Artificial intelligence (AI) applications are growing at an unprecedented pace in health care, including disease diagnosis, triage or screening, risk analysis, surgical …
SW Jahn, M Plass, F Moinfar - Journal of clinical medicine, 2020 -
Digital pathology is on the verge of becoming a mainstream option for routine diagnostics. Faster whole slide image scanning has paved the way for this development, but …