PT. XYZ is a company owned by non-governmental organizations engaged in the field of production of rubber processing becoming crumb rubber. Part of the production is supported …
Abstract PT. Tiga Manunggal Synthetic Industries adalah perusahaan textile di Kota Salatiga. Pada PT. Timatex ini terdapat proses weaving yang bertugas untuk menenun …
D Radyarini - Universitas Brawijaya, 2018 -
Enting geti is one of the traditional foods from Blitar with ingredients such as peanuts, brown sugar, and sesame. Based on the data of Blitar Regency, one of the ingredients such as …
KSU Brosem is an all-round cooperative business that produces one of the typical souvenir products of Batu, namely apple cider drinks. KSU Brosem was established in 2004 and …