The internet has dramatically reduced the cost of varying prices, displays and information provided to consumers, facilitating both active and passive experimentation. We document …
This paper proposes a class of games called revision games. In a revision game, players start with initially prepared actions, followed by a sequence of random revision opportunities …
We study disappointment and platform exit among new bidders in an online auction marketplace. In particular, we study a hybrid auction format with a “Buy-It-Now” option …
AM Kolb - Journal of Economic Theory, 2015 - Elsevier
A player of privately known strength chooses when to enter a market, and an incumbent chooses whether to compete or concede. Information about the potential entrant's type is …
Y Kamada, T Sugaya - The Quarterly Journal of Economics, 2020 -
We construct a dynamic model of election campaigns. In the model, opportunities for candidates to refine/clarify their policy positions are limited and arrive stochastically along …
P Hummel - European Economic Review, 2015 - Elsevier
I consider a model in which several identical objects are sold simultaneously via an auction and a posted price mechanism. The model explains several empirical regularities regarding …
In zero-sum asynchronous revision games, players revise their actions only at exogenous random times. Players' revision times follow Poisson processes, independent across …
BC Platt - International Journal of Industrial Organization, 2017 - Elsevier
Participation in internet auctions goes well beyond those who place a bid. Participants arrive in random order, and if the auction's standing price has already exceeded a participant's …
S Lovo, T Tomala - HEC Paris Research Paper No. ECO/SCD …, 2015 -
We introduce the model of Stochastic Revision Games where a finite set of players control a state variable and receive payoffs as a function of the state at a terminal deadline. There is a …