A Walchred, S Norawati - Jurnal Riset …, 2020 - jurnal.pascabangkinang.ac.id
Abstrak The performance of Fresh Fruit Bunch reception activities from the plantation is not good, where out of the 6 years supply of FFB receipts, only 5 years were able to reach the …
L Yaniria, S Hasan - Pasca sarjana STIE …, 2020 - repository.universitaspahlawan.ac.id
This research was conducted with the aim to test product quality, price and promotion of purchasing decisions and variables that influence purchasing decisions of bottled drinking …
S Supardi - Jurnal Riset Manajemen Indonesia, 2020 - jurnal.pascabangkinang.ac.id
The purpose of this study was to determine the level of patient satisfaction in the Class I Inpatient Installation of Bangkinang District Hospital. This type of research is quantitative …
B Hidayat, S Norawati, M Salis - Jurnal Riset …, 2020 - jurnal.pascabangkinang.ac.id
This study aims to determine the effect of work motivation and skills on employee performance at PDAM Tirta Kampar. The population in this study were all employees at …
F Fitrayansyah, Z Zulher… - Jurnal Riset …, 2020 - jurnal.pascabangkinang.ac.id
This study aims to determine what the most efective marketing strategy in vape marketing at the OWL Vaporizer Store in Bangkinang City. The types and sources of data in this study are …
F Fatmiwati, Z Zulher, S Mulyani - Jurnal Riset …, 2020 - jurnal.pascabangkinang.ac.id
Research to determine the effect of product variant and price with simulthan and partial on purchasing decisions for HNI-HPAI products at the Khaira Islamic Healthy Home Medicine …
Research to determine the effect of discipline, communication and competence on the performance of employees in the PKS PT. Ciliandra Perkasa Kabupaten Kampar Regency …
E Novita, S Norawati, L Diantara - Jurnal Riset …, 2020 - jurnal.pascabangkinang.ac.id
This study aim to determine the analysis of raw material inventory control for Fresh Fruit Bunches (FFB) using the EOQ method at the PT. Padasa Enam Utama Koto Kampar Hulu …
Y Yusup - Jurnal Riset Manajemen Indonesia, 2020 - jurnal.pascabangkinang.ac.id
This study aim to determine the optimal inventory control the raw materials of Fresh Fruit Bunches (FFB) in the production of Crude Palm Oil (CPO) at PKS PT. Tunggal Yunus Estate …