E Lutwak - Advances in Mathematics, 1996 - core.ac.uk
During the past two decades the notion of affine surface area (from affine differential geometry) and the isoperimetric inequalities related to it, have attracted increased interest …
The logarithmic Minkowski problem Page 1 JOURNAL OF THE AMERICAN MATHEMATICAL SOCIETY Volume 26, Number 3, July 2013, Pages 831–852 S 0894-0347(2012)00741-3 …
For origin-symmetric convex bodies (ie, the unit balls of finite dimensional Banach spaces) it is conjectured that there exist a family of inequalities each of which is stronger than the …
KS Chou, XJ Wang - Advances in Mathematics, 2006 - Elsevier
The Lp-Minkowski problem introduced by Lutwak is solved for p⩾ n+ 1 in the smooth category. The relevant Monge–Ampère equation (0.1) is solved for all p> 1. The same …
E Lutwak, D Yang, G Zhang - Journal of Differential Geometry, 2002 - projecteuclid.org
A sharp affine Lp Sobolev inequality for functions on Euclidean n-space is established. This new inequality is significantly stronger than (and directly implies) the classical sharp Lp …
The even Orlicz Minkowski problem Page 1 Advances in Mathematics 224 (2010) 2485–2510 www.elsevier.com/locate/aim The even Orlicz Minkowski problem Christoph Haberl, Erwin …
C Haberl, FE Schuster - Journal of Differential Geometry, 2009 - projecteuclid.org
GENERAL Lp AFFINE ISOPERIMETRIC INEQUALITIES Christoph Haberl & Franz E. Schuster Abstract 1. Introduction Projection bodies Page 1 j. differential geometry 83 (2009) …
M Ludwig, M Reitzner - Annals of Mathematics, 2010 - JSTOR
A classification of upper semicontinuous and SL (n) invariant valuations on the space of n- dimensional convex bodies is established. As a consequence, complete characterizations of …