H Hedges, J Cullen - Contemporary issues in early …, 2005 - journals.sagepub.com
The concept of 'subjects' has posed a philosophical dilemma and polarised debate within early childhood education. Consequently, little attention has been paid to teachers' and …
Thematic analysis of a continuous video record of a day in the life of a New Zealand kindergarten teacher, and of a narrative reconstruction of the day during a follow-up …
C Dalli - New Zealand Journal of Educational Studies, 2002 - researchgate.net
This paper draws on interview, journal and observational data collected during five qualitative case studies of starting childcare to explore how teachers constructed their …
How postcolonialism has impacted primary, secondary and tertiary education in small island states (defined as those each with a resident population of up to one million) is well …
Marmið rannsóknarinnar var að varpa ljósi á hver upplifun leikskólakennara var af styttingu vinnuvikunnar og hvaða áhrif stytting vinnuvikunnar hafi haft á gæði faglegs starfs í …
Markmið rannsóknarinnar var að þróa móttökuáætlun fyrir nýja leiðbeinendur í leikskóla í Reykjavík og skoða hvaða leiðsögn deildarstjóri veitir nýjum leiðbeinendum. Tilgangurinn …
This qualitative thesis records the experiences of seven early childhood teachers in identifying trauma and supporting the well-being of children in their care. The teachers, all …