Growing acts of indiscipline in Ghanaian schools

K Ofori - 2019 -
Indiscipline in schools has attracted the attention of many people and has eventually
become the focus of discussions on many platforms. The purpose of the study was to find out …

Determinants of Successful Implementation of Early Childhood Development Education by County Governments in Kenya; Implementing Partners Perspective

OJ Ochieng - 2019 -
The purpose of this study was to assess the determinants of successful implementation of
Early Childhood Development Education (ECDE) by County Governments in Kenya from the …

A Study on Why People Lack Dedication and Focus During Church Worship and Service Time

MH White - 2022 -
The researcher chose the topic of this thesis because members of Last Days Ministries
(LDM) lacked dedication and focus during church worship and service. The project aimed to …

Measuring Solvency In The Turkish Public Transportation Industry Cem

KE Berk - 2019 -
Financial analysis is a combined effort of knowledge and experience to obtain relevant
ratios and elaborate on the results. The study is an application of financial analysis on …

A Conceptual Model: The Impact of Sociodemographic on Coronary Heart Disease

AAM Kassim, J Mohamed, ZAZ Azim - 2020 -
The paper aims to examine the conceptual model on the impact of sociodemographic
towards coronary heart disease. There is still limited study on the association between cost …

Measuring Solvency In The Turkish Transportation Industry

K Erguler - 2019 -
Financial analysis is a combined effort of knowledge and experience to obtain relevant
ratios and elaborate on the results. The study is an application of financial analysis on …