In the stems of terrestrial vascular plants studied to date, the diameter of xylem water‐ conducting conduits D widens predictably with distance from the stem tip L approximating …
Aridity, which is increasing worldwide because of climate change, affects the structure and functioning of dryland ecosystems. Whether aridification leads to gradual (versus abrupt) …
The evolution of lignified xylem allowed for the efficient transport of water under tension, but also exposed the vascular network to the risk of gas emboli and the spread of gas between …
We introduce the AusTraits database-a compilation of values of plant traits for taxa in the Australian flora (hereafter AusTraits). AusTraits synthesises data on 448 traits across 28,640 …
Water must be transported long distances in tall plants, resulting in increasing hydraulic resistance, which may place limitations on the maximum plant height (H max) in a given …
Climate warming will increase the drought exposure of many forests world‐wide. It is not well understood how trees adapt their hydraulic architecture to a long‐term decrease in …
With ongoing climate change, the probability of crossing environmental thresholds promoting abrupt changes in ecosystem structure and functioning is higher than ever. In …
A classic theory proposes that plant xylem cannot be both highly efficient in water transport and resistant to embolism, and therefore a hydraulic efficiency–safety trade‐off should exist …
Considering the global intensification of aridity in tropical biomes due to climate change, we need to understand what shapes the distribution of drought sensitivity in tropical plants. We …