Hip replacement is one of the most successful surgical events that progressively more patients require because of the better life expectancy and increase in the average age of …
Human hip failure remains a significant issue, and constructing artificial joints is imperative for affected individuals. This study examined the mechanical and wear behavior of polyether …
Background Hip suffering is a serious concern for human health, which may be caused by arthritis, accidents, and childhood disorders; hence, man-made joints are the only option for …
The femur is one of the most important bone in the human body, as it supports the body's weight and helps with movement. The aging global population presents a significant …
Additive manufacturing has become a cutting-edge technique to produce biomaterials for various clinical applications. Recent investigations have shown their significance and …
Friction and wear are intertwined phenomena, most noticeably for artificial implants due to their continuous interaction with the human body. Surface coating is one of the eminent …
Bioimplants took on an essential role for providing a comfortable life for those who have suffered the loss of organs by accident, diseases, and other circumstances. Wear debris …
João Pedro Alves Fernandes Study of the mechanical behaviour of the interaction between stem hip prosthesis and bone surface: a Page 1 Universidade do Minho Escola de Engenharia …
Настоящият дисертационен труд разглежда проблемите на възстановяването след тазобедрено ендопротезиране, в съответствие с принципите на холистичния, пациент …