Rethinking search engines and recommendation systems: a game theoretic perspective Page 1 66 COMMUNICATIONS OF THE ACM | DECEMBER 2019 | VOL. 62 | NO. 12 review …
O Kurland, M Tennenholtz - Proceedings of the 45th International ACM …, 2022 -
The Web is a canonical example of a competitive search setting that includes document authors with ranking incentives: their goal is to promote their documents in rankings induced …
The main goal of search engines is ad hoc retrieval: ranking documents in a corpus by their relevance to the information need expressed by a query. The Probability Ranking Principle …
H Roitman, S Erera, G Feigenblat - Proceedings of the 2019 ACM SIGIR …, 2019 -
We study a constrained retrieval setting in which either a single qualitative answer is provided as a response to a user-query or none. Given a user-query and the" best" answer …
The probability ranking principle (PRP)-ranking documents in response to a query by their relevance probabilities-is the theoretical foundation of most ad hoc document retrieval …
Facility location games have been a topic of major interest in economics, operations research and computer science, starting from the seminal work by Hotelling. Spatial facility …
Facility location games have been a topic of major interest in economics, operations research, and computer science, starting from the seminal work by Hotelling [Hotelling H …
F Carvalho - arXiv preprint arXiv:2208.12299, 2022 -
Recommender systems (RS) mediate human experience online. Most RS act to optimize metrics that are imperfectly aligned with the best-interest of users but are easy to measure …
H Roitman, D Cohen, S Hummel - … on the Theory of Information Retrieval, 2016 -
In this paper we address a novel retrieval problem we term the" Better Than This" problem. For a given pair of a user query to be answered by some search engine and a single …